
My Newest Creation...

Lucas Daniel Eyster

Lucas was born on April 11th 2003 at 7:32 am. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs. 7.5 oz, and was 21 inches long. He joins 2 big brothers Charlie 8, and Matthew 6.

Life is fleeting, years rush past... 

and little boys grow up so fast! 

Let me take time out to be 

thankful mine is still here with me. 

And though I'm busy through the day, 

let me take time out to play... 

Let me take time out to smile, 

to sit with him for just a while... 

Let me take time out for walks, 

for swings and sports and quiet talks, 

for sharing giggles, tickles, and hugs, 

for patching knees and catching bugs... 

for running races, climbing trees, 

for helping with his A - B - C's... 

For hatching plots and planning schemes, 

for listening to his thoughts and dreams. 

Let me tuck him in at night, 

hear his prayers, turn off the light. 

And when my busy day is done, 

let me thank God I have a son.

Author Unknown  ~  

On the Left is big brother Charlie, and on the right is big brother Matthew when Lucas was 6 weeks old.

Here is Lucas and Charlie and Matthew. Lucas is 2 months old in these photos. He is 14 lbs now and 24 inches long.

This is Lucas at 3 months.

Comming Soon......

Gifts from friends.....


The background on this page was made by me and is ©TCreations. Please do not take without permission.