The Firefighters Prayer
This tutorial was created on March 26th, 2002 ©TCreations Property of TCreations This creation is my own. Anything similar is purely coincidental. Please do not copy any part of this tutorial or place it anywhere without express written permission from me. You may link to this tutorial ONLY. Do not sent it through e-mail! If you would like to use any of my tutorials for group settings or group lessons, please E-Mail me for my conditions. This tutorial was written using JASC PSP version 7.04 and assumes you have a working knowledge of the program at an intermediate level. *Special Dedication* Like many of you, I was deeply saddened and shocked at the events that took place on Sept. 11th. For me, not a day goes by that I don't remember that horrible day. So many heros showed their face and made us proud to be Americans. This tutorial is dedicated to those special people. Your courage has inspired a nation. May God Bless you always! TCreations Let's get started! Tools needed for this tutorial are as follows.
JASC PSP 7.04.
You can download a trial version here. Super blade pro (Optional) Download a trial version here. A graphic containing firefighters. I used the now famous picture of the NY City Firefighters raising the flag at the World Trade Center rubble. The copyright to that photograph belongs to ©Thomas E. Franklin, and I got it HERE. Step 1. Open a new image. 350x350, transparent. Step 2. Go to selections> select all. Then to selections> modify contract and type in 25. Step 3. Now go to selections> invert. Change your foreground to white, and using your flood fill tool, flood fill the selection. Step 4. Go to effects> plugins and find your super blade pro. If you don't have super blade pro, you can use any gold pattern. Navigate to the gold_shiny preset. Apply using the default settings. Deselect.
Step 5. Now go to effects> kaleidoscope and apply using these settings. Then go to effects> sharpen> sharpen.
Step 6. Add a new layer by going to Layers> new raster layer. Name this layer background. Change your foreground to black and flood fill. Drag this layer to the bottom by going to layers> arrange> send to bottom. (this screenshot shows that the middle is selected. Nevermind that. We are NOT selecting the middle.)
Step 7. Make sure you are back on layer 1. Open the graphic you will be using. Grab your selection tool with these settings.
Select a portion of your graphic that you want in the center. When you have done that, go to edit> copy. Activate your original image, go to edit> paste as new layer.
Step 8. On that same layer, drop the opacity to about 50. Add a new layer. Select your text tool. Type in the firefighters prayer. *The Firefighters Prayer* When I am called to duty, God, Wherever flames may rage, Give me the strength to save some life, Whatever be it's age. Help me embrace a little child before it is too late, Or save an older person from a most uncertain fate. Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout, And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out. And if according to my fate, My days should come to end Please bless with Your protecting hand, My family and my friends. Here are the settings for your text. Make sure your text is centered.
Let's go to the next page to finish our prayer. ©TCreations 2002 |