Easy Country Wall Plaque


Step 11.

Set your foreground to pattern. Find a pattern you want to fill your heart with, or use a solid color. Fill your heart.

Step 12.

Go to Effects> inner bevel and use these settings. Then deselect.

Step 13.

Add a new layer. Click on your text tool, and add your text. Then add a slight drop shadow.

Step 14.

Layers> merge visible. Click on your mover tool, and move your plaque to the bottom of your canvas.

Step 15.

Add a new layer. Select your draw tool using these settings.

Change your foreground to black and your background to NULL. Draw your hanger. It's okay if you overlap onto the plaque. We are going to drop it below the merged layer.

Step 16.

On your hanger layer, Go to effects> inner bevel using these settings.

Step 17.

Open your layer pallet and drag your hanger layer below the merged layer. Go to effects> wave and apply these settings.

Step 18.

Layers merge visible. Now you can export it as a tube. You're done! ;o)

Here are a couple others I did.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me any time.

This tutorial is the property of TCreations and may not be copied or placed anywhere without express written permission from me. If you would like to use any of my tutorials in group settings or for lessons, please e-mail me. Thank you.

Thank you to my testers, Patti of Moon's Designs, Dreamlady, Randie, and Tish from Magic.

©TCreations 2002 All Rights Reserved.

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The backgrounds on these pages were created by me exclusively for TCreations, and may not be used without my permission.

©TCreations 2002