Welcome Sign


Step. 11

While still on your link layer, go to Edit> copy, then Edit> paste as new selection. Position the chain onto the left link making sure it's overlapping slightly.

Step 12.

Grab your eraser tool and erase part of the chain so it looks like they are linked.

While still on that layer, Edit> copy, then edit> paste as new selection. Now you will see 2 chains. Move over until the chain on the left fits right into the chain on the right. By doing this, the second chain that we don't need disappears right off the canvas.

Step 13.

Add a new layer. Select your preset shapes tool. Using these settings. Make sure your foreground is set to NULL and your background to white.

Step 14.

Draw a rectangle on your canvas. My coordinates started out at 32, 175 And ended with 287, 63. With your mover tool, move the rectangle up till it meets with the the chain links. With your magic wand, select the middle of the white area. Go to selections> expand by 1. Set your foreground to pattern and using the first wood pattern, flood fill your selection.

Step 15.

Add a inner bevel with these settings. Deselect.

Step 16.

Add a new layer. Make sure your foreground is set back to white. Click on your text tool. You might need to change the size of your font for the bottom sign. Everything else stays the same. Add whatever word or name you want. Click okay.

Step 17.

Change your foreground back to pattern and open your lightwood. Flood fill with your lighter wood pattern. Add a inner bevel with these settings. Deselect.

Step 18.

Here is where you can add some tubes if you like. Make sure each tube is on it's own layer and add a slight dropshadow. When you are done, Merge layers visible. You can export it as a tube, or add a background.

You're Done!

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me anytime.

These tutorials and their contents are property of TCreations and may not be placed anywhere without my permission.

©TCreations 2001 All Rights Reserved.

The backgrounds on this site were created by me exclusively for TCreations and may not be used without my permission.

Property of TCreations

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